Quizz Hum Kahan K Sachy Thy Drama Quizz 14 November 202114 November 2021 Entertainment-Land AreĀ you fan Mahira Khan ? If Yes You definitely are watching Hum Kahan K Sachy thy. Lets answer a short Fun quiz to know more about the Drama And Its Charcters. 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 5 Take a Challenge How well you know your Celebrities Well done! lets Go through Results with Us pakistani Clebs HUm Kahan K Sachy Thy How much do you know about Drama Serial Hum Kahan k Sachy thy. Make Guess and know how will drama proceed further 1 / 6 A. Why Mashal hates Mehreen because: 1. She was jealous 2. Mehreen was beautiful 3. Mehreen loves Aswad 2 / 6 B. why Mehreen was arrested Because: 1. She loves Aswad 2. She murder Mashal 3. She her father was a Traitor 3 / 6 C. Will Mehreen prove innocent 1. Yes 2. May be 3. No 4 / 6 D. Which actor play the negative role in hum kahan ke sachay thay 1. Kubra Khan 2. Usman Muktar 3. Mahira 5 / 6 E. Which actress play the role of Mashal in Hum Kahan Ke Sachay thay 1. Ayesza Khan 2. Sajal aly 3. Kubra Khan 6 / 6 F. Why does Aswad think Mehreen is a Bad Person 1. Because of her Grandma 2. Because of her Mother 3. Because of Mashal Share Results with Your Friends LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Send feedback Share Facebook Twitter Pinterest Linkedin